32 ACP Pocket Hammerless pistols thrived. However, World War I clearly slowed production and after production surged to 3,200 in 1920 (probably to fill dealer back orders built up during the war), sales became very slow and the 1903 Pocket Hammer faded out of use, while the smaller 1903. 38 ACP was still a more powerful cartridge than the. 380 Pocket Hammerless overwhelmed the Pocket Hammer model's sales but the 1903 persisted, possibly because the. 38 ACP, but suitable to smaller simple blow-back pistols) appeared in 1909. EBOOT patching is quite fast - no more PSP Brew. Also, there are MANY other features, including (but not limited to): PSX images and EBOOTs are FULLY customizable - from gameboot/warning picture customization to changing Game Save names. However, the Colt 1903/08 Pocket Hammerless in. Simple Popstation GUIRating:12345(37 votes) This program allows you to convert your PS1 games to a PSP compatible format (a GUI for popstation). Prior to World War I, the pistol filled a niche by providing a relatively more powerful cartridge in a lighter and smaller pistol. You can also rent your own POPStation locker if you make frequent deliveries, want to store your own items or have a business that sends and receives numerous parcels. An approximate total of 29,237 were produced which just about equaled the production of the Colt 19. POPStation (Pick Own Parcel Station) lets you post, collect or make payment for your parcels at our lockers any time, any day within the collection period. After that, serials resumed at 20000 and went up to 47227 ending in 1927 when production discontinued. Serial numbers of the 1903 Pocket Hammers started at 19999 in 1903 and went backward to 16000 into 1906.